Zupfnoter 1.7 dev 7 – BITTE LESEN

Ich habe letzte Woche ein Projekt bearbeitet. Aufgrund dieser Erfahrung habe ich die Menüstruktur an den Ablauf der Konfiguration angepasst. Ich hoffe aber nun, dass das wirklich die letzte Vorabversion vor 1.7.0 ist ..

Bitte beachtet, dass Triolenbögen neu konfiguriert werden müssen.

Ich möchte noch einmal erinnern an den Zupfnoter Workshop am 27. + 28. Oktober. Das lohnt sich wirklich, auch und gerade für Leute, die schon Erfahrung haben.

v 1.7


  • tuplet lines are now correct in pdf (#139)
  • no longer have unexpected subflowlines to unisons (#140)
  • fixed size of smaall notes (#143)
  • player also plays until tied notes edn (#147)
  • decorations now also work on rests (#127)
  • shift now also works on unisons (#107)
  • abc2svg settings no longer necessary in tunes (removed from Template) (#71)
  • BWC Default for „filenamepart“ is now as it was in 1.5 (#155)
  • Config form is refreshed after loading another song (#156)
  • printer offset is no longer broken if user enters only one value (#157)
  • Dropbox-Path can now also have digits (#162)
  • Printer window show pdf on Chrome 60 (#160)
  • now invisible rests are supressed even on flowline (#166)
  • now handle multi measure rests (#166)
  • fix predefined annotations vt and vr
  • BWC: move Tuplet configuration to notebounds (#168)
  • Multiple notebound annotations can now be dragged individually (#170)


  • jumplines can now be configured by drag & drop (#136)
  • tuplets can now be sculptured by drag & drop (#138)
  • improved performance of configuration (#115)
  • improved performance of harpnote preview (#87)
  • improved performance of vertical packer (#87, #89)
  • editor collapses config parameters by default (#144)
  • now can print a sortmark on top of the sheet (#145)
  • the anchor of jumplines can now be configured (#150)
  • now have variant parts appear in grey (#151)
  • now menu supports extract 0 to extract 5 (#153)
  • now menu also shows title of extracts (#153)
  • ctrl-alt ‚F‘ now toggles harp preview
  • rearranged „Edit Configuration“ Menu to improve configuration workflow (#171)

internal stuff

  • updated to abc2svg 1.13.7 (#163)

experimental feature

  • implemented a collision based packer (#89)
  • implemented validation of config parameters (#85) with result form
  • Shape of Flowlines can be configured (#167)

backwards compatibility issues

  • layoutlines is now the combination of voices and layoutlines. It is no longer possible to show voices without considering them in the layout.
  • Default for „filenamepart“ is now as it was in 1.5 (#155)
  • tuplet configuration is now under ’notebound‘: meed to rework in the sheets – sorry! (#168)

known issues

Dragging of jumpline does not work properly on Saitenspiel #158